Art Books Posts

Illustrators' Gallery: When Raven Became Spider
On supernatural characters in Indigenous art and modern comic superheroes.

Art Books Make the Best Gifts
We've got art books to recommend for readers of all ages, tastes, and geographic regions.

Lives of the Artists: James King on Art Biographies
Books that emphasize the connection between life experience and artistic expression.

On Our Radar: Art Books Spectacular
Books with buzz worth sharing.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Art Books
Six books to appeal to the young artist.

Strange Material
This excerpt from Leanne Prain's new book explores the ways that textile artists are using digital and social media to further their craft.

Wilf Perreault at Work
An excerpt from In the Alley, a new book that celebrates prairie artist, Perreault.

All the Art Books

New Lit Wish List: All the Art Books
5 books with images as their focus. And these suggestions are just the beginning...